the revenant of black manor ebook price reduction!

The price of my horror novel has been largely reduced on all amazon sites as an ebook, please check it out. over a dollar cheaper on us site and over a pound cheaper on uk site. thanks

The Revenant of Black Manor Out Now

Hello everyone,
I haven’t posted on here for a while mostly because of the reason I am posting on here today, I have been writing another novel, The Revenant of Black Manor is my second novel and is now out as paperback and eBook on amazon worldwide, it is a horror novel and is 380 pages long, it has been a long while in the making so I would really appreciate it if you checked it out and possibly even tried a copy.

Thank you 🙂


Biter and Bumper!

Biter and Bumper!


I thought i would share with everyone two of the characters from my children’s book in progress The Opticlops, these two are called Biter and Bumper. What do you think?

Dont forget, you can also now follow me on twitter @cstokes14 or like my facebook page at

thank you.